Local Testing

In order to make the testing/integration process as simple as possible, I utilize a custom Docker Image to run an ssh server. To begin configuring your system for local testing, please install Docker first. After you have installed Docker and have it running, simply run the following command:

make test

This command pulls down the custom docker image, runs it on port 22, and then runs all the unit/integration tests. If you would like to change which port this container runs on, simply export the SSH_PORT=<int> environment variable prior to running make test to whatever integer port you would like to map this container to.

To clean up after running the tests (stopping external docker containers) run:

make test-clean

Testing Coverage

To generate a test coverage report, ensure all the requirements for running the unit/integration tests are installed and running and then simply run the following command:

make test-coverage

Then, open the HTML files in your default browser using open htmlcov/index.html!